Better known as the Parson Russell Terrier Jack Russell Terrier, a happy little dog who loves to play and hunt. They need to be extensively socialized with other pets, so they were bred as fox hunters. They may fight with other dogs, but this depends on the individual lines of tension and pack animals, so they were both. They are designed to properly escape artist dogs digging in the back yard is fenced with a good portion of the required exercises. They can take following a scent or venture out because they need to be in control. Usually they are good with kids active. As a reminder, never leave a child unsupervised with a puppy or dog.

Approximate Adult Size

Approximate Adult Size Parson Russell Terrier (two years or more) at the withers and 12 to 14 inches (the highest point of the shoulder) and 14 to 18 pounds. Female Cruz ranges from inches and pounds.

Special Health Considerations

Most dog breeds that specific breed and the Parson Russell Terrier is no exception to certain inherited health problems associated with the service. Inherited eye diseases, deafness dislocated kneecap and be on the lookout for. This disease list is an informative guideline only. Other diseases are also significant threats please contact your veterinarian for a complete list can be.

He shots, boosters in the first year and up to the veterinary inspection must be tested repeatedly. Then, as an adult, he veterinarian yearly for shots and check up should be. He is older, six years and over as it gets, twice a year for checkups and vaccinations should visit the veterinarian. Remember Avoid feeding your dog sweets.


With little or no signs of twist Parson Russell Terrier, small, dense, coarse double coat has a smooth or broken. She should be brushed regularly. Flick to keep a close eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond will help her maintain a clean and healthy coat.

With his toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs should be brushed at least twice a week. Plaque and tartar Flick (rarely) cavities and periodontal disease, which can lead to the buildup is removed. Dog periodontal disease, tooth pain, bad breath and other serious illnesses may be damaged.

Her toenails may need to be trimmed regularly to check for growth. The nails of the rear feet grow slower than fingernails forefoot.

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